
Foto Cielo Ramirez

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso - B.Sc.

Cielo Ramírez de Arellano

Advisor: Olivera Miskovic, Rodrigo Olea
Graduated: 2022

We studied the application of conical defects in Black Hole Thermodynamics, specifically in the derivation of their temperature and entropy.

Foto Oriana Labrin

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso - B.Sc.

Oriana Labrín

Advisors: Olivera Miskovic, Hernán González
Graduated: 2022

The aim of my studies is focused on the exploration of asymptotic symmetries in gauge theories and gravitation at the edge of null type in flat and asymptotically flat spaces in four dimensions. This work is motivated by the importance of these symmetries to understand the infrared structure of a theory, such as the memory effect on observations and soft quantization theorems. In particular, the Hamiltonian formalism in this context is particularly beneficial because it is able, in a systematic way, to identify the local symmetries, their algebra, and the conserved charges present in the theory.

Foto Javier Huenupi

Universidad de Chile - B.Sc.

Javier Huenupi

Advisor: Alberto Faraggi
Graduated: 2022

In the Universe, we have different types of particles with different quantum numbers, in specific, different spins. In a 3 + 1-dimensions space, there does not exist a Lagrangian that allows us to define an interacting model with particles of different spins higher than s = 2. Hence to analyze this situation, we need to work in a 2 + 1-dimensions space, where we can use the Chern-Simons theory to define interacting fields associated with particles with spins higher than s = 2. Inspired by the BTZ black hole (BH), we study the thermodynamics of BH’s in an AdS3 space calculate the most probable charges, and, if there exist, the lines that define the transition of phases and critical points of the charges.

Foto Nicolas Caceres

Universidad de Concepción - M.Sc.

Nicolás Cáceres

Advisor: Rodrigo Olea

We study the holographic renormalization problem with topological terms in the presence of scalar fields, both minimally and non-minimally coupled, and we were able to renormalize to the action of dilaton Gauss-Bonnet gravity in dimension 3+1.

Foto Yoel Parra

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso - M.Sc.

Yoel Parra

Advisor: Olivera Miskovic, Rodrigo Olea
Graduated: 2023

In our work, we study the Quadratic Curvature Gravity theory and its conserved charges in an arbitrary dimension. In asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, the theory is divergent at large distances, and can be renormalized by the addition of counterterms that depend on the intrinsic and extrinsic quantities (Kounterterms). We show that, in this case, the relevant information of the conserved charges is encoded in the electric part of the Weyl tensor. This is due to the property of the Kounterterm charges that they can be factorized by the curvature associated to the AdS group. Without loss of data in the asymptotic sector, the AdS curvature can be traded off by the
Weyl tensor, more precisely its electric part, leading to the notion of Conformal Mass in the theory.

Foto Anibal Neira

Universidad de Concepción - M.Sc.

Aníbal Neira

Advisor: Hernán González
Graduated: 2023

We analyzed a set of asymptotically flat solutions with a self-interacting scalar field, for which we found a new set of boundary conditions that allowed us to interpolate from an asymptotically flat region to an asymptotically AdS3 region. This caused a non-integrable term to appear at the charge level, which was later associated with radiative terms from the scalar field. Finally, it was found that the evolution to an AdS3 space is not seen only in the solutions, but is also carried out at the algebra level.

Foto Alejandro Varas

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso - M.Sc.

Alejandro Varas

Advisor: Olivera Miskovic
Graduated: 2023

In our research, we study the asymptotic symmetries that emerge on the null boundary of asymptotically flat four-dimensional spaces.
In the conventional metric formulation, within the Bondi reference frame, these symmetries are described by the BMS4 group which is an infinite-dimensional group and contains as a subgroup the Poincaré group. Motivated by the inclusion of fermionic particles into general relativity, our work deviates slightly from the standard treatment by adopting the first-order formalism of gravity to explore the asymptotic behaviors of null-type boundaries. A vielbein basis consistent with the Bondi framework was chosen and a suitable asymptotic behavior of the spin connection was required to allow a realization of the BMS4 group on the boundary.
As a result, an extended BMS4 group is obtained, enlarged by the inclusion of non-abelian Lorentz generators. This new perspective could provide a deeper insight into infrared phenomena, in particular, the interaction between conserved infinite charges and the gravitational memory effect.

Foto Gabriel Marín

Universidad de Chile - M.Sc.

Gabriel Marín

Advisor: Francisco Rojas

For many years, there has been significant progress in the S-matrix program based on basic physical principles, e.g. unitarity and locality. The former allows us to reduce the complexity of scattering amplitudes into products of simpler ones. In my thesis project, we are working on developing diagrammatic cutting techniques from unitarity, for primordial cosmological correlation functions. These correlation functions, when written in the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism, share remarkable similarities with the amplitudes program. At the same time, we are working with Francisco Rojas and collaborators on five-gluon celestial amplitudes in type I superstring theory, and how to extract its celestial field theory limit. Celestial amplitudes are the central objects of study of the so-called Celestial Holography, a novel approach of flat space holography.

Foto Cristobal Moreno

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile - M.Sc.

Cristobal Moreno

Advisor: Alberto Faraggi

We are looking for the D-brane configuration which is dual to 1/4 – BPS latitude Wilson loops in N=4 SYM in the totally antisymmetric representation of SU(N) using the AdS/CFT correspondence. Such configuration must preserve all symmetries and supersymmetries that the Wilson loop has. The final aim is to reproduce the expectation value of the Wilson loop using the on-shell action of the D-brane in a supergravity background with space-time AdS5 x S5.

Foto Sebastian Bahamondes

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile - M.Sc.

Sebastián Bahamondes

Advisor: Rodrigo Soto

My research topic, with professors Rodrigo Soto Garrido and Ignacio Salazar Landea, is the holographic modeling of a Dirac semi-metal. In essence, we want to determine through the holographic dictionary how the dispersion relation of two interacting Dirac fermions behaves near a phase transition that should lead to the appearance of a gap between the conduction and valence bands, not without before going through a phase in which the dispersion relation becomes anisotropic, being quadratic in one direction and linear in another. Thus, we seek to reproduce these condensed matter results using the AdS/CFT duality tools.

Foto Dario Lopez

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso - Ph.D.

Darío López

Advisor: Olivera Miskovic
Graduated:  2023

We propose new black hole solutions with non-Abelian solitons in Chern-Simons AdS supergravity at D=5. Non-Abelian fields, when coupled to black holes, have non-trivial topological properties represented by the Pontryagin number. Also, these solutions are BPS states when the black hole is extreme and the non-Abelian fields acquire trivial topological properties generated by a soliton/anti-soliton system.

Foto Anthony Canazas

Universidad Andrés Bello - Ph.D.

Anthonny Canazas

Advisor: Alberto Faraggi

My research focuses on AdS/CFT beyond leading order. Currently, my attention is centered on two observables: Wilson loops (WL’s) and black hole entropy. By considering two coincident circular WL’s, but with opposite orientations in spacetime and internal space, I explore the issue of handle-like corrections to the leading result of their correlator. Also, I am calculating the logarithmic correction to the entropy of a magnetic black hole in certain N=2 gauged supergravity.

Foto Pablo Guilleminot

Universidad Andrés Bello - Ph.D.

Pablo Guilleminot

Advisor: Rodrigo Olea
Graduated: 2022

We study matching conditions for a spherically symmetric thin shell in Lovelock gravity which can be read off from the variation of the corresponding first-order action. In point of fact, the addition of Myers’ boundary terms to the gravitational action eliminates the dependence on the acceleration in this functional and such that the canonical momentum appears in the surface term in the variation of the total action. This procedure leads to junction conditions given by the discontinuity of the canonical momentum defined for an evolution normal to the boundary.In particular, we correct existing results in the literature for the thin shell collapse in generic Lovelock theories, which were mistakenly drawn from an inaccurate analysis of the total derivative terms in the system.

Foto Javier Moreno

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso - Ph.D.

Javier Moreno

Advisor: Olivera Miskovic, Rodrigo Olea
Graduated: 2022

In my research, I study aspects of higher-curvature theories as well as their applications as toy models to probe universal properties in strongly correlated systems, using the gauge/gravity duality.

Foto Paula Quezada

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso - Ph.D.

Paula Quezada

Advisor: Olivera Miskovic

we investigate spontaneous scalarization near the horizon of extremal black holes in four spacetime dimensions. It is caused by the symmetry breaking produced by the interaction between the Stueckelberg scalar in Higgs potential with electromagnetic and gravitational fields. We use the entropy representation of the states to analytically analyze the thermodynamic stability of the system through the laws of thermodynamics.

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso - Ph.D.

Eduardo Ribeiro Da Silva

Foto Francisca Ramirez

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso - Ph.D.

Francisca Ramírez

Advisor: Olivera Miskovic, Vladimir Juričić

We study the physical properties of topological metals using Gauge/Gravity duality techniques, also known as gravitational holography. The basic idea is to theoretically describe a universal thermal quantum field theory that describes a topological metal, using its corresponding gravitational dual theory, which is a non-extreme black hole in asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS) space.

Foto Felipe Diaz

Universidad Andrés Bello - Ph.D.

Felipe Díaz

Advisor: Alberto Faraggi

My research interests consist of understanding holographic properties of modified theories of gravity such as scalar-tensor theories, gravity coupled to higher codimensional defects, and higher spin gravity.

Foto Martin Bravo

Universidad Arturo Prat - M.Sc.

Martín Bravo

Advisor: Rodrigo Olea

In this work, we want to show explicitly that the energy functional that comes from Conformal Gravity in 4-D is finite for any surface that is embedded in arbitrary ambient spacetimes. Also, we want to show that the bound energy of Willmore energy and monotonicity of reduced Hawking mass originate from properties of this energy functional.

Foto Nicolas Sarmiento

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso - B.Sc.

Nicolas Sarmiento

Advisor: Olivera Miskovic

The work of this BSc thesis mainly focuses on reviewing the 3D chiral anomalies calculation in two different ways. The first one is in the framework of quantum field theories, while the second one uses the AdS/CFT dictionary to reproduce the same result. This subject has been inspired by the description of the internal structure of Weyl semimetals.

Pontificia Universidad Católica - M.Sc.

Anthony Fred Osses Escárate

Advisor: Francisco Rojas

Thesis Title: Holographic Renormalization in Celestial Holography.

Foto Oliver Cornejo

Pontificia Universidad Católica - B.Sc.

Oliver Ignacio Cornejo Fernandez

Advisor: Alberto Faraggi
Graduated: 2024

My research aims to study the thermodynamics of higher spin black holes in the context of three-dimensional gravity using the Chern-Simons formalism. We seek to detect phase transitions between sl(6,R) black holes, inspired by the paper “Phases of higher spin black holes: Hawking-Page, transitions between black holes and a critical point” by M. Bañados, G. Düring, A. Faraggi, and I. Reyes.

Foto Ignacio Cruz

Pontificia Universidad Católica - M.Sc.

Ignacio Alfonso Cruz Palma

Advisor: Alberto Faraggi

In this research, we are looking for the fluctuation spectrum of a family of D3-branes in AdS5 x S5 dual to Wilson loops in N=4 Super Yang-Mills in the k-rank symmetric representation of the SU(N) gauge group.

Pontificia Universidad Católica - M.Sc.

Felipe Matías Sulantay Ibánez

Advisor: Alberto Faraggi

Thesis Title: Near AdS2 Spectroscopy, classification of fermonic operators in N=4 gauged supergravity and corrections to black hole entropy.

Foto Gabriel Malave

Pontificia Universidad Católica - M.Sc.

Gabriel Jesús Malavé Villarroel

Advisor: Rodrigo Soto

My research interest is in the topology of non-Hermitian systems in condensed matter, specially in the signatures that allow to probe and distinguish them from other systems. As a main tool we focus on the modified bulk-boundary and bulk-defect correspondence due to the skin effect.

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María - M.Sc.

Pablo Carlo Ignacio Reiser Ramírez

Advisor: Vladimir Juričić
Graduated: 2024

Thesis Title: Supercontuctivity in Tilted Dirac Materials.